Biyernes, Nobyembre 30, 2012

when it's time to say good bye..

I t takes a lot of guts to say - "It's over" when it's killing you on the inside. Trying to be strong and pretending to be okay even if you're not. The memories shared, the laughter and tears.

Many times we've closed our eyes so we wont see the reality. Accepting every sorry and forget the pain.

The hardest part is to start your life after saying it's over. It's no longer a relationship if it only gives you pain, suffering and heart ache; if only one person feels the love; if you're living in sadness and cannot find peace. Nobody deserved this feeling and you have the key to make it right. Move forward and face the world for a new beginning, for the new you. It's never easy, but happiness is a matter of choice. Stand up and proud! Letting go of the person you loved the most is one of the bravest decision and a painful one. It doesn't mean letting go is giving up but accepting that some things are not really meant to be, that happiness of today is not a guarantee of forever. But that's the reality, not all fairy tales, not all princesses have a happily-ever-after story, sometimes it ends in tragic.

Smile, be strong and after the storm you'll see the sunshine shining on you.